As mentioned in a lot of blogs and also at the iRelate Dynamics Network Drink and of course the Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2008: The CRM Accelerators!
These are a range of add-on solutions developed for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 customers and partners. Each accelerator is available at no cost and will showcase how the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 platform can be configured and extended to broaden marketing, sales and service capabilities. Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers and partners are encouraged to further extend these accelerators to meet their specific business needs.
Each accelerator may consist of the following:
- Customizations (entities, forms, views)
- Workflow defintions
- Business Intelligence elements such as custom reports (.RDL’s)
- Functional code samples (strictly adhering to SDK guidelines)
- Documentation for installing, operating, localizing and extending the solution
- An automated installer
The list of accelerators is as follows:
- Analytics
- eService
- Event Management
- Enterprise Search
- Sales Methodologies
- Extended Sales Forecasting
- CRM Notifications
- Business Productivity
The following accelerators are currently available for download at
- CRM Notifications
- Event Management
- Extended Sales Forecasting