Friday, May 28, 2010

Holding and B.V. are founded at May 28h 2010

Today my Holding and B.V. are founded so we have now:
H.R.F. Veldman Holding B.V. and Hans Veldman Consultancy Solutions B.V.
For more info check the website.
In the next coming weeks XS2Dynamics B.V. will also be founded.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.12 Software Development Kit (SDK)

Microsoft released version 4.0.12 of the SDK last week on the corporate site. This release contains the new advanced developer extensions for CRM or also know as xCRM. for more info and download click here.

Update Rollup 10 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 (KB 979347)

Microsoft released Update Rollup 10 on the 8th of April 2010. Rollup 10 can be downloaded from the corporate site or click here. The download is available for the x32 of x64 versions.


Today I am writing my first posts after not posting for a few months. Sorry for this, but I have been very busy with several new things and of course working a lot. I will try to give an update of the last few months, so here it goes....