Thursday, September 4, 2008

Microsoft Dynamics Partner Readiness Days

The last two days I attend the Partner Readiness Days at Microsoft Nederland.
This event was organized for all "new" companies related to the Microsoft Dynamics suite.
Some topics that were on the agenda:
EOC, Licensing (for CRM the CSA license), RMT, MSPP, Marketing & Verticalization and lots of more.
I'd like to mention especially the Marketing Factory. Every new company has to descide what Verticals and Horizontals they like to start in and start with. Two words are mentioned a lot:
distinctive capacity so please keep this in mind.
For any questions, please contact your PAM and get familiar within the Microsoft world!


  1. Hi Hans,

    Is there a reason why you call these the "Deadiness" Days (note the 'D' in the beginning)?

    Greetings Steven
