Friday, September 12, 2008

Bug in Microsoft Dynamics CRM???

This week I discovered a bug in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When you enter an activity in CRM you can also modify the view of your activities with example field from the Entity Lead. After modifying your custom view, you can see all your related activities. But when changing the Type of Activity (for example: select only the Appointments), your custom view with the field from the Entity Lead will not be shown. Any kind of data from related Entities in your custom view will not me shown on the specifiec Type of Activity views. Of course there is a workaround:
1. Creating a view wih the Advanced find.
2. Using the Custom Views addon of SalesCentric.
Recently I have tested the Custom Views addon and again I must say that this addon is easy to use and that this addon will add value to the system.

Screenshots will be followed asap.

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