Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HELP WANTED: HTTP status 401: Unauthorized Error

Dear CRM colleagues,
I have some errors in a development environment of one customer. I receive the following error on the Reports module and Organisation Setting:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
Please see some screenshots below. I have checked the Trust for Delegation with the SPN accounts. These are all correctly set. Who has any ideas? Please leave a message on this post for any sollution or remakrs.

Reports error:
Organisation Settings error:
Trust for Delegation setting:


  1. Hans,

    Does it happen with all users or only some? The thing I can think of is that the SQL Server Security Groups do not have the right permissions on the Reporting Services database. Also make sure that the server(s) belong to all the CRM security groups (PrivUser group, etc.)

  2. Hi Emanuel,

    Only the System Administrator on the server has no problems. When I log-on with the System Admin account on the desktop I get the error as every other user.
    Thanks for your reply. I will check this and let you know.



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