Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Your working day with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

As mentioned in my previous blog, the booklet is finally online. A CRM Blog colleague Simon Hutson has posted this booklet on his blog. The booklet can be read online or download a .pdf copy here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the post. The link was really useful for me. Enterprises want to get more customers and they want to retain the existing customers. CRM is the right choice for it. They can take customers-enterprise relationship in a smooth way by providing right information to enterprise. And specifically sales and marketing executives can access information wherever they are by the use of mobile crm. So, implementing crm ensures you are in the right path with customer management. Microsoft dynamics crm is the perfect for enterprises but also we have to customize it they way our business require. in my experience I have got the chance to review an enterprise mobility solutions provider called Karya Technologies who provides the mobile crm in they way we want. I would like to get more suggestion from this blog readers to enhance our knowledge by conversation.
